Pebbles from FL
This is Pebbles and she just celebrated her 1st birthday. She had cupcakes with her dog sister and they really enjoyed them. Pebbles lives in Florida and spends her days playing in her pool and going for walks at the … Read More
This is Pebbles and she just celebrated her 1st birthday. She had cupcakes with her dog sister and they really enjoyed them. Pebbles lives in Florida and spends her days playing in her pool and going for walks at the … Read More
We adopted Elvis when he was just a few weeks old after a dog had attacked and traumatized him. He is so sweet and mild tempered; he has visited behavioral health settings as an emotional support animal.
This is our sweet Girly. She came to us in a small carrier on a plane from Utah. It took her awhile to get used to us but she finally did. We where told she was a mini pig but … Read More
This is OB and he is 2yr, 10 mo old. He lives in Missouri and enjoys grazing and playing in the yard.
Pudge is a mamas boy. Grandpa babysits an awful lot cuz mom is a night shift nurse and boy does he love complaining and giving orders. Grandpa never does anything right. Pudge also has a older brother who his a … Read More
Rose is 4 years old and lives in GA. She has 1 feline sister, 1 canine brother and sister. Her best friend is a bunny named Ernie. She is a mamma’s girl unless daddy has a beer!
Frida Khalo is such a sweet loving pig. She was found abandoned and walking down a busy road in Atlanta. She was taken to a local animal control. It seemed Frida had been potty trained and must have lived indoors. … Read More
My name is Stellabell and I’m from OHIO! I like to be called Stella, piggypig or oinker. If you need me just shake a chip bag or bribe me with cheeto puffs. I love peanut butter and Cheerios and all … Read More
This is Andy. He is 4 years old and lives in New York. He loves the sun and is always smiling.
This is Pepper Pig and she is from Colorado. Miss Pepper is a very spoiled pig and she loves her swimming pool most of all and of course she loves to eat. Two of her favorite treats are ice and … Read More