Try It Size Better Hooves & Coat
- A nutritional supplement rich in biotin.
- Provides a nutrient formula for dry skin and constant scratching.
- Reduces chances of cracked or impaired hooves.
- 4oz Try It Size

Try It Size Pig-B-Calm
- Specially formulated vitamin B.
- Aids in reduction of over-aggressiveness.
- Has a special calming affect on Pot-Bellied Pigs.

Try It Size Piggy Lax
- Piggy Lax is Mother
Nature’s way of dealing with constipation. PetPig Piggy Lax provides
two efficient, bulk-forming ingredients; ground psyllium seed and ground
flax seed meal. - For a good “elimination program,” before a problem appears, many pet pigs benefit from one
or two daily scoops of Piggy Lax.
- Piggy Lax is Mother

Aqua Spray – Mini
- External parasite control.
- Repels fleas, ticks, flies, and mosquitoes.
- Use daily to provide 24 hour protection.
- Non-sticky water base with no pyrethrins or DEET.
- 4 oz spray bottle.

Pet Pig Sunscreen – Mini
- Maximum sunscreen available.
- Easy to use.
- Protects the coat from the sun’s harmful, bleaching rays.
- Repels dust and dirt.
- 4oz Bottle

So Soft Hair Moisturizer – Mini
So Soft Hair Moisturizer 4oz 4oz of our popular So Soft Hair Moisturizer to try.

Ultra Shampoo – Mini
Ultra Shampoo 4oz 4oz of our popular Ultra Shampoo to try.

Try It Size Trio
3 of our sprays now in try-it sizes – $21.95 Aqua Spray 4oz – $9.95 So-Soft Hair Moisturizer 4oz – $10.95 PBP Sun Screen 4oz – $9.95