Boom Boom from GA
posted in: Pig of the Month
Boom Boom is our pet pig for the month of March.
Boom Boom is our pet pig for the month of March.
This is Groot getting some loving from his mum. He has been with his mum for nearly 3 years now. They live in Derbyshire, UK.
Cardi P taking a long nap at her family farmhouse. Dreaming of all the treats she will get when she wakes up.
This is Daytona my 6 year old Duroc cross. She was born here at our place in Washington and has been my loyal pet since she was born. Just trying to get the message out to the world that even … Read More
This is Hamlet from GA. The top pigture is of Hamlet enjoying one his favorite treats; spaghetti with lots of tomato sauce. For a couple of years Hamlet was the Diabetes Kiss-A-Pig, here is dressed in correlation with the theme … Read More