Pig of the Month

Hampton Hamilton Pigglesworth

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Hampton Hamilton Pigglesworth is our pet pig for the month of March. He was rescued from slaughter at only a few weeks old. Hampton didn’t know it, but he was about to change his Dad’s lives forever. He grew from a 2 pound piglet, to a 1000 pound pig in a few years time. Hampton is extraordinary. He is full of curiosity, heart/soul, gentleness, love, and kindness. Now, almost 5, he is the center of his Dad’s world. He lives in the house and is used to a life of happiness, freedom, treats, and getting his own way. Hampton, you are truly the King of Kindness. 💗🐷💗👑💗

Monthly Special

Cytra-Med will significantly reduce or totally eliminate the incidence of urinary tract infection, which can cause serious blockages. This will decrease the bacterial burden with the digestive system, thus relieving the pet pig of additional stresses.


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